A Gift from the Storm

A beautiful half completed wasps nest, that had fallen into the hedgerow, following a violent storm the night before.

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With hidden wonders within

Welcome to our home. My name is Melanie and I share this magical cottage with my wonderful husband Wolf. Wolf is both a very gifted artist and experienced teacher. Why not take look at his website and see for yourself! www@wolflorien.com

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Wolf and Bilbo Blue meditating upon our very busy Irish lane.

As for myself, I have worked with the land for most of my life; totally entranced by nature from a young age, in all its diverse beauty. Alongside my love of Mother Earth, I have always been fascinated by the many and varied ways that we interact with our natural environment, especially through local folklore and traditional customs.

From our little Cailleach’s Cottage, I create charms, amulets and talismans, fetishes, based upon existing heritage designs; often with a contemporary twist. I feel if a tradition is to survive, like us, it also needs to grow and adapt to this ever changing world.

I am by trade a heritage straw worker, as well as a very keen potter. Using these two natural materials I have long been drawn to create unusual, unique & magical items. Often my corn or ceramic creations will incorporate natural objects, discovered upon my wild wanders. Living here in the hidden gem of east Clare, surrounded by the wild beauty of the west of Ireland. I am often blessed to discover something completely individual, that can be incorporate into my magical craftwork. Be it a unique stone, a naturally shed feather, a beautiful shell, or a sea or, river worn Hag Stone.

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A natural quarts spiral found within a piece of limestone. An ancient sea creature, forever frozen in time.

I love to wild forage having spent many years studying Ecology and Conservation, as well as working as a Woodland Conservation Ranger in an ancient woodland in Kent. I am also very aware of my responsibility to walk lightly upon the earth, so take only what is freely given. To do this I use another passion of mine; Dowsing.

I will always ask each & every object if it wishes to come with me, or stay where it was found? I am then told very clearly, either by using my L-rods or a pendulum, what it would prefer. Many times I have had to walk away and leave something stunningly beautiful and intrinsic to that place; respecting where it wished to remain. Other times, an object is only too happy to be collected and may even stay with me for many years. Later, when I am creating a particular amulet, charm or fetish, I will find my attention will be constantly be drawn towards it. Once again, I ask if this is what it wished to be used for? Or, is this the person who really needs you now? 

As with the place, we see ourselves as Earth Stewards, rather than its physical owners. Loving guardians of the land, while we are both blessed to live here.


Looking down our main field after a Midsummer Day thunderstorm.

I see my work as a craft, rather than something that could ever be mass produced. Each item that I create has its own individual voice in this creative process. As I co-create in my garden, I also endeavour to co-create as I wildcraft each charm, amulet, talisman or Fetish. Being an animist by nature, I believe that everything around us has a spirit, or a soul. Each and every animal, plant, tree, insect, river, mineral, rock or mountain.

The word ‘Anima’ itself, comes from the Latin, and means ‘breath, spirit or life’. Everything around us contains this unique spiritual essence in my own view, and so is both animated and alive. Animism itself is a term that has been used to describe the most common, foundational thread of many indigenous peoples. They see their natural environment from a more spiritual, or supernatural viewpoint, rather than merely something physical; to be owned, possessed or utilised. Which is why whenever I create something, it has to emerge within its own time, and at its own pace, in order to be authentic and hold true energy or power.

In our modern world, many natural and beautiful creatures & places are simply seen as commodities; soul-less & inanimate. How else could we do what we do to them as humans?

I often worry, that by adopting this opposite & cold viewpoint of our precious planet and its amazing inhabitants; in time, might we all be seen as such? Unless we each begin to change the way that we see & relate to this beautiful blue green planet where we are so blessed to live.

Be the change, as a very wise man once said!

Melanie )0(

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Cailleach’s Cottage.

Putting the magical craft back into Wildcrafting

Wolf and myself both follow a Druidic spiritual path, working in harmony with nature and the seasonal cycles of the land. We are also both proud members of ‘The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids’ (O.B.O.D.)

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Wolf at Stonehenge

It is often said - usually by those who have not studied the subject - that the world-view and philosophy of the old Druids is lost beyond recall...but it is by no means impossible to regain in the present age the spirit of original Druid philosophy. It is essential indeed to do so; for a revival of the old Druidic way of thought, acknowledging the sanctity of the living earth and all its creatures, seems the only alternative to planetary dissolution.

— John Michell ‘Stonehenge’
