Howlite with Hamsa. A Stone of Emotional Healing.

Howlite with Hamsa. A Stone of Emotional Healing.
Howlite is a calming stone and many people use it to relieve the stress of all kinds. It is also an aid to insomnia, especially when caused by an overactive mind.
Helps you to formulate ambitions and aids in achieving them. Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desire for knowledge. It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. Calms communication, facilitates awareness and encourages emotional expression.
Absorb your own anger - or also another's anger that is directed toward you. Can help to overcome critical, or selfish behaviour.
A stone of emotional healing, containing vibrations directly resonating with the root and crown chakras. A very unique combination, as it opens up portals of entry on opposite points of the etheric body. The root chakra becoming fully connected to Mother Earth, while staying in contact with your higher self. This stone promotes a sense of calm energy, easing any unnecessary “weight” off your shoulders and allowing you to stand tall. Said to increase confidence levels and also awakens your inner strength. Howlite urges us to harness this energy towards individual self-healing. This is also a very nurturing stone. It is also said to have the ability to help you deal with and help heal trauma, grief anxiety, depression and even mourning. During times of distress, Howlite grounds all of our energy and allows our mind to maintain a sense of clarity.
Howlite is an emotional talisman that is here to show one that growth and new life are possible, no matter the pain one has beared.
Combined here with a traditional symbol of protection, The Hamsa, or Hand of Fatima.
This symbol represents blessings, power and strength, and is seen as a potent deflector of The Evil Eye (a malicious stare believed to cause illness, death or general bad luck). The Hamsa symbol often combines the powerful defensive symbol of’ Nazar Boncuğu or ‘Evil Eye’ for this very reason.
These images were often painted, or hung upon the walls, or doorways of houses, especially those belonging to expectant mothers. The hand can be depicted with the fingers spread apart to ward off evil, or closed together to bring good luck. Fatima’s hand is a powerful talisman for good luck and one of the most popular amulets for protection. It is believed that a house protected by Fatima’s Hand will never catch fire.
One size fits all.
*The silver parts made of mixed metal and the gold parts made of copper.