Protection Horseshoe

Protection Horseshoe
Straw Horseshoe
Horseshoes were always regarded as protective talismans, especially affective against malevolent spirits, being created of iron. People often nailed these up over their front door or barn, with the points upper most, or else the luck would literally run out. The only person who can hang it points downwards was thought to be a Blacksmith, as he could control the element of fire and transform metal. If the Smith hung it upside down, the luck would pour back onto the forge where it had first been created. Horseshoes are also strongly associated with both thresholds & the crescent Moon, drawing the protection of powerful lunar goddesses.
This traditional design can also be made even more effective by adding a Blue Glass Nazar 🧿 to keep away, or reflecting back the evil eye, which it was thought to be cast by a jealous member of your family, friend, or neighbour; over looking you, your family or property.
Or a Hamsa, or Khamsa also Known as ‘The Hand of Fatima.’ 🪬 A protective symbol mainly found in Muslim and Jewish culture, but which is now almost universally used for protection (as is the Nazar). This image was also said to provide defence against the evil eye.
This same image of the open right has been discovered in ancient artefacts; incorporated with amulets linked to the goddess Ishtar or Inann. These have been traced to ancient Mesopotamia (now modern-day Iraq), as well as in ancient Carthage; which today we know as Tunisia.
I can also incorporated a sigil, a blessing, or a written spell within the inside of the horseshoe as I plait. I could in addition add something physically made if Iron; such as used horseshoe nails, or suspend a protective horse brass within the space created by the physical horseshoe’s crescent shape.
Such horseshoes are perfect hanging over door or window, near a threshold, or at physical boundary within your home. Traditionally, such vulnerable liminal spaces would have been defended using such powerful charms and talisman. Warding and protecting both your house, land and all that you hold dear.
Please contact me to discuss what it is you would like to create for your own special protective; Horseshoe if you wish it to be customised in any such way. I will then be able to sugge,t or explain any additional protections you could incorporate or where best to place this charm. If you have any special requirements, please let me know via the form you will find as you complete your order. Thank you. )0(