To Draw Abundance and Prosperity into your Home - Cornucopia or' The Horn of Plenty'

To Draw Abundance and Prosperity into your Home - Cornucopia or' The Horn of Plenty'
The Cornucopia or Horn of Plenty
This particular design is based upon a selection of Greek myths associated with the birth of Zeus; the ruler of the Greek Gods upon Mount Olympus. Cronos, his father, was a Titan, who was married to his own sister, the Titaness Rhea. Having in turn overthrown his father Uranus, Cronos was told that he too would be overcome by one of his children. So each time Rhea, his wife gave birth, Cronos would swallow the child whole so that they may never become a threat to his power.
Gaia, Rheas mother, helped her devise a plan to save one of her children, Zeus, who was the youngest. When she presented him to Cronos, wrapped in cloth, he swallowed it whole like all the others; not knowing that he had been tricked. They had wrapped not a child, but a large stone in the child’s swaddling cloth. Cronos was unaware of that Zeus was still alive, Rhea having given birth to him secretly in a cave on the island of Crete. Zeus grew up in this cave on Mount Ida, guarded by two of Rheas loyal attendants. It was their job to stop Cronos discovering of his youngest sons existence, making noises to help mask his cries & protecting Zeus as he grew. Amalthaea (or Nourishing Goddess) fed the child milk from a goat.
One day one of the goats horns was broken, possibly by Zeus as he became stronger. Amalthaea filled this broken horn with flowers, fruits & herbs and offered it to Zeus. Another version tells of how Zeus broke off the goats horn; here called Amalthaea. This he gave to the daughters of Melisseus. Endowing the horn with the the power to provide whatever they either wished for or desired. The Cornucopia’ or ‘Horn of Plenty’ has been regarded ever since as a symbol of inexhaustible abundance. Zeus was also said to have immortalised Amalthaea, the nymph and the goat, along with this magical horn, as constellations in the night sky.
It was traditional to hang this powerful symbol within you home, to draw abundance and plenty into your life. In many places it was particularly hung in the larder, so that the family or their livestock would never hunger.
This large Cornucopia can be left empty, or filled with wheat, oats, poppy heads and lavender, or plants of your choice, as long as they are suitable for this design.
It can also be sent to someone as a gift without any filling, so that they can complete it themselves, to draw abundance towards them. Or, it can be posted to you, so that you can complete this design yourself. If posting this design abroad, custom restrictions often apply which limit what plant material that can be sent through the post. Which is why I offer both filled and un-filled Cornucopia designs.
If you require this corn design to contain a written wish, blessing or spell, please either send it to me in your own hand writing, or let me know in advance of when you need this design, so that this can be incorporated during the plaiting process, at the correct planetary day and hour (such as Thursday, during the hour of Jupiter), or as the Moon is waxing.