Crystal Balls

Crystal Balls
Nothing is credited with the magical power of divination more than the humble Crystal Ball. The picture of the fortune telling gypsy gazing in to the ball and foretelling your future is only one aspect of this pure symbolic item.
It is mentioned in the book of revelations and referred to in the legend of King Arthur, who sought out the advice and prophecies of Merlin the Magician, via his crystal ball...
Prominent in the middle ages, Scryers (fortune tellers) revered their crystal balls, often passing them on to their apprentices. A tool for reaching and communicating with the divine, indeed crystals have always been used in communications just as they are today in radios, telephones and computers.
Possibly the reason crystal balls became important tools is because of their inherent characteristics of transparency and symmetry. Additionally it is claimed the energetic fields of crystals and gemstones influence what the scryer sees on a very subtle and often esoteric level.
A crystal ball, also known as an orbuculum or crystal sphere, is a crystal, or glass ball, commonly used as a fortune telling object. They are generally associated with the performance of clairvoyance and scrying in particular.
The ancient tradition of Scrying is the art or, process of "seeing". With practice, images are claimed to be seen within the crystal. Other transparent or, refelcetive mediums, such as water, and mirrors can also be used with practice.
When using a crystal ball, this technique is known as crystallomancy or crystal gazing. The image/s seen within the crystal sphere are then interpreted by the person scrying. The information that is gleaned by this technique, can be interpretated to try and predict what may occur. Or can also be used to advise someone, attempting to make certain decisions in their future. For example, concerning personal matters such as love, marriage, finances, travel or business.
Crystallomancy or crystal gazing is an art. It requires practise, if you are keen to develop this technique further. There are now many interesting books available on this subject, which you may find very useful if you decide to develop this ability.
Each crystal ball is supplied with a crystal stand. You can also display them on a LED light box for more effect! (not supplied).
Each black presentaion box contains a foam filling, to minimise the chance of damaging the crysal ball within.
Crystal balls to see a brighter future today!