Protection - Lava Stone Bracelet -Tigers Eye and Hamsa

Protection - Lava Stone Bracelet -Tigers Eye and Hamsa
Lava Stone Bracelet - with Hamsa and Tiger-eye
Lava stone is one of the oldest and most frequently found stones around the world and its origin plays a key role in the stone’s healing properties. As its name would suggest, the stone comes from the core of the earth. Because this stone comes from such a raw energy (fire), it’s considered to be a stone of rebirth. Known for its grounding and calming healing properties, lava stone is great for stabilizing the root chakra. When the root chakra is stabilised, you feel safe, anchored and more positive.
Born in fiery brimstone that bubbles to the Earth’s surface (and eventually cool). Lava is a rock formed from magma erupted from a volcano. It is a grounding stone and can help you connect with nature. Since the stone literally originates from raw energy, Lava Stone is considered to be a stone of rebirth and shedding unneeded layers of emotional attachment.
Tigers Eye - Traditionally, Tigers Eye was carried as an amulet against curses or ill wishing. It is known to give the wearer confidence, courage and strength of will. This vibrant stone is believed to help you take action and make decisions with insight, unclouded by your emotions. It is said to be a powerful stone that helps harmony and balance, and helps relax fear and anxiety.
The Hamsa, or Hand of Fatima. This symbol represents blessings, power and strength, and is seen as a potent deflector of The Evil Eye (a malicious stare believed to cause illness, death or general bad luck). The Hamsa symbol often combines the powerful defensive symbol of’ Nazar Boncuğu or ‘Evil Eye’ for this very reason.
These images were often painted, or hung upon the walls, or doorways of houses, especially those belonging to expectant mothers. The hand can be depicted with the fingers spread apart to ward off evil, or closed together to bring good luck. Fatima’s hand is a powerful talisman for good luck and one of the most popular amulets for protection. It is believed that a house protected by Fatima’s Hand will never catch fire.
The dark, porous lava stone beads can also used as diffuser jewellery. Simply place 1-2 drops of your favourite essential oils and rub it in. Then, enjoy
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