Lucky Waving Money Cat - Small, Large & Very Large

Lucky Waving Money Cat - Small, Large & Very Large
Lucky Waving Money Cat - Small, Large & Very Large
A Lucky Waving Cat invites money, prosperity, wealth, business opportunities and friends, to whoever owns one, waving in good fortune for its owners.
The left-hand moves back and forth in a waving manner, which helps draw in wealth and fortune.
These cats run on two AA and batteries (not included). Please note: The battery compartment does not have a cover and also does not have an on/off button, as it is designed to wave constantly.
The lucky cat is a cure that originates from Japanese culture, symbolic of good luck, prosperity, and wealth. The lucky cat is called Maneki neko in Japanese, and means "beckoning cat." The name comes from its posture, as the lucky cat sculpture is usually depicted with an upright paw, sometimes still, and sometimes moving.
In feng shui, the lucky waving cat is associated with both luck and prosperity. It is also apparently important in feng shui, that you identify with the cat that adorns your home, or your sacred space. It is suggested that you use the lucky cat because you like its energy, rather than only thinking it is there for good luck and will bring you prosperity. We have the very same cat gracing our kitchen, which has been waving towards our front door for many years now, and we are both very fond of it (even my husband Wolf, who is normally not a cat love!). I created a space on the same shelf, where I leave objects that I associated with good luck, or prosperity. If perhaps I find a coin on the floor, or a four leaved clover in the garden; these all share space with our own cat. I have also attached found coins to each ear, as I was told that was traditional. Whenever he stops waving, we both immediately notice the difference in the energy of that room, and his batteries are replaced & recharged swiftly, ready for when he next needs to be re-energised!
They are most often seen in shops or businesses, but are just as effective when used in the home. These are also known as Fortune Cats, as they are strongly associated with both wealth and prosperity. However, they are also linked to good luck. The cats actual posture is welcoming; beckoning you to come inside, but they also serves as protection to your home. A paw raised high can be seen as beckoning, but it is also a gesture of protection!
The logical place for it to be placed would be in the wealth and money area of your home, according to the traditional Bagua map of your home or, office (in the south east section) However, the best feng shui placement for a prosperous business is at the entrance, to entice good customers and draw in wealth.
Where ever you place yours. I hope it brings you much luck, wealth, prosperity and also protection!
Remember, Lucky Waving Money Cats are not just for Yuletide, they are also for life! 😻