House Blessing and Protection - North African Arabic Cage with Glass Nazar Boncuğu

House Blessing and Protection - North African Arabic Cage with Glass Nazar Boncuğu
North African Cage with Nazar Boncuğu.
This ancient design is known by many names; ’African Fringe,’ ‘Arabic Cage’ and ‘Cage Fan’. It originated in North Africa, and is still created in Egypt and Morocco as a ‘House Blessing’. It is however seldom made for the tourist trade. According to local traditions, this straw cage was constructed to offer a home to the ‘Spirit of the Grain’, following each harvest. The belief is that if the grain spirit is ever removed from their homes, the next harvest will fail. Which may explain why it is so rarely sold.
Here it has been combined with The Nazar Boncuğu or ’Evil Eye’. An ancient symbol, seen as a very potent deflector of The Evil Eye’. This power was attributed to certain persons, who could inflict injury, or bad luck by their very glance. Such a malicious stare is thought to be cast when someone dislikes you, is jealous or envious. Concentric blue and white circles are common to apotropaic talismans in the Middle East, often found on the prows of Mediterranean boats. These blue glass staring eyes are supposed to bend the malicious gaze back onto its sender. Such symbols were also often painted, or hung upon the walls, or doorways of houses, especially those belonging to expectant mothers. The Evil Eye often translates literally as Bad Eye,” “Evil Eye,” “Evil Look,” or just “Giving Someone The Eye.” If a blue glass eye suddenly breaks, it was believed to have effectively deflected &, or absorbed the negativity of an attack, that was focused towards you, or your home.
I can make the basic & traditional design as seen in the very first image; with or without seed heads at the top (as just a simple straw plaited loop without seed heads), as the hanger. Or, it can be added too with coloured beads (or objects of your choice, that you can supply me with if you wish), that sit just above the wheat heads at the base of this ancient design, as can be seen in the other two images. These designs can be made larger or smaller as is required, if so, the price stated will vary either way. I am always happy to make a piece more individual, so please do ask if you have any other ideas or specification and we can discuss this before hand.