House Protection - Rowan Berry Circle

House Protection - Rowan Berry Circle
The berries for these charms were collected at the same time as the berries used for the Rowan Crosses. They are from trees that grow near to our cottage and were also gifted to me by our local Rowan Dyads. The European Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia), has a long association with magic and protection, and was believed to be a powerful defences against both enchantment and evil.
A loop of rowan, or its bright red berries have always been seen as a charm against injury and mischief. In Ireland, rowan was placed over every door on May-Eve for this very reason. To protect people, animals and their crops, not from witches, but from the fairies, or the Sidhe, who were moving home on this special day. To keep your home from harm, hang this loop of rowan berries above your door, especially around May Day. To fully benefit from its protective qualities, turning around three times before placing it above the door is also traditional.
One reason it has always been seen as a magical tree is the small, five-pointed star, or pentagram that can be seen opposite the stalk of each berry. This symbol has long been seen as protective, and because the berries are also red in colour, this adds to their defensive qualities, as it is believed to be the best protective colour against enchantment.