Cinnamon Cailleach - To bring Protection, Prosperity and Good fortune into your home.

Cinnamon Cailleach - To bring Protection, Prosperity and Good fortune into your home.
This Cinnamon variation of the traditional Cailleach acts as a herbal charm, that will help to attract protection, prosperity and luck into your household. It is best hung on the back of your door, or as near as possible to the main entrance of your home. It contains a large stick of Cinnamon bark.
Cinnamon also has had a strong association with both protection & security. Traditionally, nine sticks were tied into a bundle and hung above the main door way. This would protect your home from both unwanted people and energies. Cinnamon sticks were also laid along windowsills for this very same reason. Cinnamon can also be sprinkled as a powder onto hot coals, to help purify a space, and it gives off a wonderfully warm, comforting aroma when used like this, as very simple incense.
Cinnamon is also powerfully associated with the Sun & fire, financial and personal prosperity, energy and strength. It is regularly used in prosperity and luck charms, to help improve a financial situation, gain a new job, or even when applying for a raise, or loan. Medically it can help with all manner of ills, from stomach upsets, ageing, arthritis, obesity and even high cholesterol. It has been combined here with wheat, an ancient symbol of both prosperity and luck, in order to encourage more wealth and good fortune to flow towards your house and home.
This charmed combination will help to protect your abode, and those you love; as well as draw good fortune & prosperity into your house and home.
If you would like me to add a personalised wish or blessing within this design during its construction, or something added to the exterior when complete (such as a charm or symbol), please contact me to discuss what you would prefer.